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Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Holiday's

The staff at Creative Floral Designs would like to take this time to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season. We sometimes get so wrapped up in our holiday happenings that we forget to "stop and smell the flowers", even though we work directly with them. So today we decided to STOP, count to ten and breath. Once we had accomplished this many of us started laughing.....then we decided to let all of you know you are special to us and we appreciate your business and in most cases friendship. You are the reason we are here and the reason we keep going. You help us when we want to cry, throw a fit and just plain give up. You help us see why we want to take one more step, why we want to smile one more time and why we want to laugh out loud at our own short comings. You make us happy that we are human and that we have decided to keep going and take pride in our work and the flowers we deliver and the lives we touch.
So, during this holiday season, when you find that you are at the end of your rope and you are deciding whether you should sit down and not get up again or if you should yell at the next person that looks at you funny remember that we too have had the same decision to make and have decided to smile and make the best of life and even have fun with our friends during this sometimes stressful time of year. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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